The Adventures of Captain Bobo – A fun children’s picture book series for Ages 4 to 6

Best described by the following reviewers:-
Greenock Telegraph – “A fun read for all ages”
Scottish Maritime Museum – “A great story with wonderful illustrations”
Clyde River Steamer Club – "My son’s teacher read it to the whole
class – they loved it!"

The Adventures of Captain Bobo – A fun children’s picture book series for Ages 4 to 6

The Captain Bobo picture books draw on the experience of co-authors Kay and Richard and the many stories they heard whilst researching Hurricane Hutch’s Top 10 Ships of the
Clyde. The stories have the authentic touch, but are also simply fun tales that early readers can enjoy.

Keen students of the Clyde might also note a passing resemblance to a long favourite vessel and, as to the inspiration behind the characters, well just let’s say at least one of them attended the launch!

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