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Captain Bobo Titles

The Adventures of Captain Bobo – Bananas!

The Adventures of Captain Bobo – Bananas!

By R. D. Dikstra & Kay Hutchison with Illustrations by Matt Rowe

In Bananas! it seems Captain Bobo has sailed his last voyage on the Red Gauntlet. After 25 years of distinguished service, the grand old paddle steamer is finally to be laid up. But, suddenly one last trip is on the cards when the new Safari Park finds its star attraction is missing. With time against them, and a tricky problem to solve before they sail, find out if Red Gauntlet can save the day? Read more

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The Adventures of Captain Bobo – On The Rocks

The Adventures of Captain Bobo – On The Rocks

By R. D. Dikstra & Kay Hutchison with Illustrations by Matt Rowe

A beautiful summer’s day turns into an adventure when paddle steamer Red Gauntlet is called upon to rescue a ferry boat stranded on the rocks. Once again it’s down to Captain Bobo and his crew; First Officer Sheila McSween, Chief Engineer Puffy Watt and a host of other colourful characters… and not forgetting Salty, the captain’s faithful wee scottie dog. Read more

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The Adventures of Captain Bobo – London

The Adventures of Captain Bobo – London

By R. D. Dikstra & Kay Hutchison with Illustrations by Matt Rowe

In this latest adventure a visit to London hits trouble when Tower Bridge fails to open. Read more

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The Adventures of Captain Bobo: Audiobook Compilation

The Adventures of Captain Bobo: Audiobook Compilation

By R. D. Dikstra & Kay Hutchison. Narrated by John Sessions

Ten fun stories from Scotland and around the UK inspired by
the famous paddle-steamer PS Waverley. Narrated by the
extraordinary John Sessions whose voice talents are second
to none. Run Time 100 minutes. Ages 4+ Read more

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Sgeulachdan a’ Chaiptein Bobo – Bananathan!

Sgeulachdan a’ Chaiptein Bobo – Bananathan!

Le R. D. Dikstra & Kay Hutchison Dealbhan le Matt Rowe

A-nis ann an Gàidhlig. Eadar-theangachadh le Gillebrìde Mac ’IlleMhaoil.

Ann am Bananathan! tha ailbhean agus luchd bhananathan gar toirt gu muir – abair spòrs! Leugh barrachd

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Sgeulachdan a’ Chaiptein Bobo – Air na Sgeirean

Sgeulachdan a’ Chaiptein Bobo – Air na Sgeirean

Le R. D. Dikstra & Kay Hutchison Dealbhan le Matt Rowe

A-nis ann an Gàidhlig. Eadar-theangachadh le Gillebrìde Mac ’IlleMhaoil.

Tha rudan annasach a’ tachairt air latha brèagha samhraidh agus am bàta-pleadhaige Red Gauntlet air a cur gu feum gus bàt’-aiseig a tha air a glacadh air sgeirean a shàbhaladh. Tha sin an urra ri Caiptean Bobo, a chriutha agus iomadh caractar beòthail eile… gun dìochuimhn’ a dhèanamh air Salty, an cù beag dìleas aig a’ chaiptean. Leugh barrachd

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Sgeulachdan a’ Chaiptein Bobo – Lunnainn

Sgeulachdan a’ Chaiptein Bobo – Lunnainn

Le R. D. Dikstra & Kay Hutchison Dealbhan le Matt Rowe

A-nis ann an Gàidhlig. Eadar-theangachadh le Gillebrìde Mac ’IlleMhaoil.

Tha duilgheadas air èirigh air an turas gu Lunnainn oir chan fhosgail Drochaid an Tùir. An tèid aig Caiptean Bobo agus a chriutha air gnothaichean a rèiteachadh? Leugh barrachd

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Sgeulachdan a’ Chaiptein Bobo: Cruinneachadh Leabhar-èisteachd

Sgeulachdan a’ Chaiptein Bobo: Cruinneachadh Leabhar-èisteachd

Le R. D. Dikstra & Kay Hutchison. Air aithris le Gillebrìde Mac ‘IlleMhaoil

Deich Sgeulachdan bho Loga a’ Chaiptein.
Cruinneachadh Leabhar-èisteachd.
Air aithris le Gillebrìde Mac ‘IlleMhaoil. Leugh barrachd

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